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Looking for love is never easy and online dating is daunting at any stage of life. Love and romance sometimes seem like remote possibilities. The escapades seem to never end! Come along on a journey that will take you through stories of ridiculousness, confusion, bewilderment and hilarity! Join Catherine as she reflects on a comical collection of dating anecdotes, experiences, and unbelievably amusing misadventures as she and other brave souls navigate their way through cyberspace in a search for modern-day love.
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Catherine presents her first collection of lyrical poetry, tenderly weaving through the emotional phases of the human condition, and shining a light on our mutual quest for understanding life’s lessons.
These Stories Are True...
Cathy Berra’s online dating stories are too good to be true – and that's the fun of this great, page-turning romp.
– Laurie Graff, author, You Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs
These Stories Are True...
Humorous indeed! … And shocking! Amazing what happens when you allow an algorithm to find your perfect match. Cathy’s attitude of try-try again had me anxiously turning every page. I’ve shared this book with other married friends, along with a wink & a smile, exclaiming “Read This! And you’ll stay married forever! - Jeanne C
These Stories Are True...
From hearing the outcomes of these stories firsthand in real time, I knew there was a book here that only Cathy could tell with her trademark humor, honesty and page turning writing style. Now reading the book, Cathy has managed to supersede these high expectations with her relatability, hilarious take-aways and clever prose. The book was a quick and easy read, that I know I will go back to re-read and share anecdotes from, while I eagerly await what I hope to be a soon to follow sequel - Megan R
Lucid Life:
This is a thought provoking book that will have you reflecting on your own journey. Cathy is a fantastic writer, she found a way to warm the heart through her poems and guides you to search own incarnation. Selfishly, I wanted to keep it to myself because it reached that personal space in my soul and yet, it is too heartfelt not to share. Felicia R
Lucid Life:
What a moving, well-written, thoughtful and thought -provoking book of heartfelt poems! Catherine Berra beautifully translates her own experiences into lyrical prose that also resonates personally with her readers. Carve out some quiet time to read (and re-read) each poem- it will be time well (and meaningfully ) spent. Megan R.
Lucid Life:
I really enjoyed this collection of works and was struck by the courage and self-knowing that came through so clearly throughout the book. I have long found good poetry to be the most precise way of describing the world, and in Lucid Life I felt like I received the gift of an unfiltered view into the artist's life. Brava! Thanks for putting this out in the world and for inviting all of us to share in your journey. Mike M
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